Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Challenge to Grow

Typically in the past my perspective when looking at the course and direction of my life has been me centered. I guess what I mean by that is that when I move or make some change life in general changes for me. I do something then I change. Recently a good friend of mine moved from Idaho to California. Yeah, not the typical move but he's also not the typical dude. And I find myself facing change that was not created by me. I'm not saying that this is a bad thing in fact I think that is good. It is challenging me in more ways than I thought. My friend is following God and I sincerely encourage him in that, he will be missed but once again as he has periodically done in the past he is challenging me to grow. Or I could say God is working through him challenging me to grow. I've had to step up in my leadership which I think is just what I needed. Anyway if your reading this then most likely you are him. Thank you for your guidance, friendship, and challenging me to see myself and others with the potential that God sees.

1 comment:

justin said...

Wow, I'm really honored that you've been challenged so much by our relationship. You're truly a gifted individual and it's such a blast for me to see you continue to develop as a leader.

I miss you, friend. I'm really looking forward to seeing you again.